Tradução & Definição

a delay: um atraso, uma demora noun
We apologize for the delay. Pedimos desculpas pelo atraso.
to delay: atrasar, demorar, retardar verb
My flight has been delayed. Meu voo atrasou.

UK: Brutish Airways was very kind to apologise for the delay.
US: Yes, but we've been delayed at this airport for three months!


  • "Train number 98756 from London to Paris is delayed due to water on the tracks."
  • "We apologize for the short delay."
  • "Our server is at 99.9% full capacity, which causes significant delay in sending and receiving messages."
  • "In the event of a layover due to a delayed flight, hotel accommodation will be provided within the airport."
  • "Don't delay!"
  • "Sorry for the confusion, I think I must have delayed jet lag or something."
  • "In the event of a delay of more than 3 hours, refreshments will be available."
  • "We do sincerely apologise for the delayed arrival."
  • "Announcement 1 : Ladies and gentlemen, train number 98756 from London to Paris is delayed due to water on the tracks."
  • "Announcement : Ladies and Gentlemen, we regret to inform you that there are severe delays on the Hammersmith and City line, Circle and District line and the Central line."

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