Tradução & Definição

a flagship: a nau capitânia noun
(a) flagship (store): (uma loja) principal, representativa de uma marca adjective


  • "We can attribute this growth to two key factors: the increase in disposable income for the average Chinese household, and the opening of our new flagship store in the heart of Beijing's commercial center."
  • "Delavigne Flagship Store, Downtown San Francisco"
  • "There have been lots of exciting developments here at the Delavigne Corporation recently, and I think that the opening of Delavigne's new flagship store on Oxford Street, London would perhaps be the most interesting for your British readership."
  • "Susie : Yes, I thought we could begin by talking about our new flagship London store."
  • "Outback Cologne is Delavigne Australia's flagship scent, first released in 1989."
  • "Philip : Our flagship fragrance, Bruno."

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