Tradução & Definição

fortune: a fortuna noun


  • "Next Tuesday at 3:45, we will be receiving a visit from Lucie M Lohan, heiress to the Lohan fortune and a prospective investor with major connections."
  • "Subject: Your fortune and your future"
  • "Next Tuesday at 3:45, we will receive a visit from Lucie Lohan, heiress to the Lohan fortune and a prospective investor with major connections."
  • "- The chance to earn your fortune, without working your butt off."
  • "Zhi Zhi Wang died of "natural causes" (according to the police report) in 1992, without appointing a successor to the Wang fortune."
  • "I left my small village in Guanajuato to seek a fortune for my family."
  • "Voiceover : Previously, at the Delavigne Corporation: Lucie Lohan, heiress to the Lohan fortune ran away from the company because the staff wouldn't stop singing."
  • "Designed Exsmell spreadsheets to keep track of my personal fortune."
  • "Edward Marley : Well, you could lose your health, you could lose your soul, you could lose your reputation, you could lose your trousers, you could lose your fortune..."

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