Tradução & Definição

to resolve: resolver, solucionar verb
Have you resolved the problem yet? Você já resolveu o problema?


  • "Bethany : If the matter is not resolved within four business days..."
  • "If the matter is not resolved within four business days, I may commence legal proceedings to recover the debt, without further notice to you, and this letter may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to attempt settlement."
  • "We can resolve this situation, I'm sure."
  • "-Since he started working here, our once-manageable rodent problem has become out of control, and we've been forced to hire exterminators to resolve the problem."
  • "I look forward to hearing from you, and hope that we can resolve this issue in a civilized manner."
  • "The server is currently having trouble recognizing new computer accounts but we are hoping to resolve this problem within a few days."
  • "Then I set up meetings for the executives and resolve complaints from the staff members."
  • "To resolve this problem right away"
  • "Let's try to remain calm. I'm sure we can resolve this situation without taking any legal action."
  • "You have to resolve this problem ASAP, because I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can bear."

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Mais testemunhos.