Tradução & Definição

the (French) revolution: a revolução (francesa) noun


  • "Leonard : Do you think Che Guevara and Fidel Castro paused the Cuban Revolution for a toilet break?"
  • "No one was hurt during the revolution but the country did record its first ever act of violence when the former President's bodyguard was slightly pushed."
  • "Now, if you're interested in being part of the fragrance revolution..."
  • "When the time came for revolution, General Oléré was ready."
  • "If I don't have a new order in less than 3 weeks, it could start a revolution!"
  • "however, reactionaries and lunatics are convinced that these are the first signs of an animal revolution."
  • "However, it was also a year of revolution, where social networks changed the way we remove dictators and riot in major cities."
  • "Boston was also the site of several major events during the American revolution including the Boston Massacre, the battle of Bunker Hill as well as the Boston Tea Party."

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